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Honor - Integrity - Personal Courage Documentary

Photo credit, Profile picture Facebook, Kilby for Sheriff

Former Candidate for Forsyth Co. Sheriff Clifton Kilby

Former Candidate Clifton Kilby

Violates Mr. Hewett’s Freedom of Speech

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On this page we will follow the events between Clifton (Cliff) Kilby’s 2018 run for Forsyth County Sheriff and some of the postings from Kilby’s candidate 2014 & 2018 website(s), his candidate FaceBook pages, John Cox (Kilby’s Webmaster and promoter) as well as from Veterans Against Kilby for Sheriff FaceBook Page. We’ll make some observations about comments Kilby makes about the other candidates, Tim Wooten and Bobby Kimbrough as well as past comments he’s made during his run for Sheriff in 2014 when he was a registered Republican. We’ll ask some questions as to why he had to silence Mr. Hewett who was exercising his rights to freedom of speech about candidates, yet he could make all the disparaging comments he wanted about the other candidates. Isn’t that hypocritical of him, to silence another yet spread rumors and disparaging remarks about others?

2014 Run for Sheriff Cliff Kilby

In 2011Kilby retired from Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office. In 2014 he ran on the Republican ticket against the incumbent Sheriff Schatzman and he lost terribly. It was so bad he didn’t even make it out of the single digits. Schatzman went on to be reelected Sheriff running unopposed. There was no one on the Democratic ticket running against him. (Remember this point) Let’s make some observations about Kilby’s run for Sheriff in 2014 that will come into play when we start discussing Kilby’s different treatment of Mr. Hewett 1) There were three candidates running for Sheriff: Bill Schatzman the incumbent Clifton Kilby former Deputy under Shatzman Dave Griffith former U.S. Marshal 2) Kilby will personally address the Griffith camp’s opposition to his run as well as rebuttal comments made on the internet in public forums about his viability as a candidate. Those comments are both in writing and video on his campaign FaceBook Page. With this being the case, remember this comment when we address his actions toward Mr. Hewett. Kilby’s main opposition was Dave Griffith. Even though Kilby did make observations about Schatzman’s running of the Sheriff’s Department, his main focus was Griffith and questioning his experience as a Federal Agent, was not good enough for the Sheriff’s Office and this is the same tactic he will use in 2018 for Bobby Kimbrough. Triad City Beat, April 30, 2014 By Jordan Green - Kilby alleged that Griffith plans to replace the command staff with friends who are retired federal agents if he wins the election. He said friendly staff at a Greek restaurant in Kernersville reported to him that Griffith’s friends boasted aloud to one another about their prospects for employment. “There are several federal agents that are looking at having top positions in his administration,” Kilby said. “They’re already retired. They’re going to stay five years so they can draw a second retirement and bleed the retirement system.” Griffith dismissed the assertion as “ridiculous.” Kilby always seems to have people that report to him yet he never uses their names so you can’t follow up on the source, it’s always someone said, “He said friendly staff at a Greek restaurant in Kernersville reported to him.” “Among the three candidates, allegations of cronyism and vindictive treatment of employees perceived to be disloyal have swirled in the increasingly nasty race. No Democrat filed for the office, so the winner of the May 6 Republican primary will be the county’s next sheriff. If no candidate can muster more than 40 percent of the vote, the top two candidates will go into a runoff.“ This is where Kilby probably realized he should have run as a Democrat in 2014 since he would have been unopposed on that ticket so then realized that he could do that in 2018, unfortunately he had opposition. Onto the Griffith camp and their comments about Kilby on the internet as well as his responses. The main comments came from a person named Sandra Robles who wrote in a blog on April 23, 2014 quoting a survey done by Telopinion Research. (See photos) In this polling, “A total of 89% who have zero knowledge/opinion of Kilby even after he has actively campaigned for two years. Of the few who knew Kilby, more than 57% polled as UNFAVORABLE.” “Clif Kilby does not have a chance too win this election.” Ms. Robles continues in her blog about Kilby being a spoiler in the race. It would be better for Kilby to drop out since he doesn’t have a chance of winning and is doing nothing but taking votes away from Griffith. Which by the election results is what he did. http://stringingandstrowing.blogspot.com/2014/03/forsyth-county-gop-spoiler-alert-may-6.html You can read the blog here if you wish. Posting on Ms. Robles personal page putting down Kilby for his run for Sheriff, talking about he’s a spoiler, won’t answer questions concerning his position on guns (we know his position now), he is unable to raise more than $2000 from his own people according to political filings, those who vote for Kilby will be helping Schatz, etc… Here she’s doing no different than what Mr. Hewett has done. You may be asking why is all this necessary or important. We have to give a background on how Kilby handles the opposition to his run for office and how that compares of his treatment of Mr. Hewett in 2018.

This is how Kilby Responds in 2014

In 2014 we see that like Mr. Hewett, Ms Robles has posted multiple comments, opinions, political postings, disparaging remarks, etc… Except Kilby’s response to her was not by taking out a 50C restraining order or criminal cyberstalking charges, no he opening responds to her comments on Facebook both in written form and making a video. So why not respond the same way to Mr. Hewett why was it so imperative that he shut Mr. Hewett up?

2017 Rocky Joyner files for Kilby’s Run for 2018 Sheriff Race

Kilby’s getting an early start on his campaign for the 2018 Forsyth County Sheriff ‘s race. Rocky Joyner files with the Forsyth Co Board of Elections: Statement of Organization - Candidate Committee, date April 3, 2017. At this point in time Clifton Kilby has now formed a committee to run for Sheriff and has opened himself up for public comments about his character, honesty, truthfulness and trustworthiness as an individual and comments about him both positive and negative. This is what happens when you run for political office, you give up your privacy as a private citizen and now every aspect about your life is under a microscope. There are no topics off limits concerning you as an individual, your past and present is up for comment, this includes any comments that you have made in public or private. If you’re unable to take what others say about you then you have no business running for any office! Kilby was a registered and voting Republican as per records from the Forsyth Co. Board of Elections during the 2016 Presidential race. He changed parties on March 28, 2017 to Democrat as per, Forsyth Co. BOE Dir. Tim Tsujii. On both his FaceBook About Page and his Kilby for Sheriff website he made the following statement: "My beliefs would be the same beliefs if I was registered in another party, but why I mention this is to also tell people they need to register as a Democrat or Unaffiliated to be able to vote or me in the primary." Basically he’s telling Republicans to register in the other party so they can vote for him because he’s not a real Democrat, but just masquerading as one. So why should Democrats Vote for a man who is a lifelong Republican whose own words are, "My beliefs would be the same beliefs if I was registered in another party . . ." so that he can get on the Democratic ballet thinking that no one else was going to run on it as was the case in the last election. It doesn’t appear that he has Democratic values or morals and is only using the Democratic Party to obtain his own selfish goal of becoming Sheriff. Now when Mr. Hewett posted this and brought it to everyone’s attention on the Forsyth Co. Democratic Party FaceBook Page his webmaster, John Cox, had a fit and upon finding out immediately wrote an urgent email to Kilby stating, “We need to be prepared as this may get ugly unless we can get a cease and desist order on Hewett or something.” 2017 John Cox Kicks Off Kilby’s Pre-Election Campaign for 2018 Sheriff Race Prior to the official filing for candidacy Kilby was already gearing up in 2017 for his run in 2018. John Cox his webmaster on May 17, 2017 posted a PSA on his Facebook page about Kilby’s run for Sheriff, “Cliff Kilby Jr. will be running for FORSYTH COUNTY SHERIFF in 2018.” During the course of the next several months they had several fund raisers. 2017 Cox updates Kilby’s Facebook Page This is Kilby’s official FaceBook page for his run for office. Under about “Political Candidate.” This is not a personal page but his political Facebook page where people are open to post about their likes or dislikes, positive and negative comments. Mr. Hewett posted on this page and was in a discussion with one of Kilby’s supports. Mr. Cox being the pages admin deleted Mr. Hewett’s comments and blocked him from posting anymore comments. 2017 Cox updates Kilby’s Old 2014 Kilby updated few things from his previous run for Sheriff. But notably is a “Contact Me” page where he asks the public, “Clif looks forward to hearing from his supporters and potential supporters. Feel free to use this form to contact him.” We want to emphasize that this “Contact Me” page is for anyone to “feel free” to contact them. That’s just what Mr. Hewett did and sent a message to the campaign. However, Kilby later tries to use this message calming it was harassment, how can that be when he specifically asks people to “Contact Me,” wouldn’t you expect both positive and negative comments? 2017 Mr. Hewett was already Publicly Opposing Kilby’s Run for Office Mr. Hewett was already opposing Kilby’s run for Sheriff in late 2017 in postings in the Forsyth Co Democratic FaceBook Page and in a few emails to Kilby through his Kilby for Sheriff website and email address. All of which is covered under political free speech by the United States Constitution and the North Carolina Constitution as well as N.C. General Statute: Freedom of Speech, Protest, or Assembly U.S. Constitution – 1st Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. North Carolina State Constitution, Article I, Declaration Of Rights Sec. 13.  Religious liberty. All persons have a natural and inalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences, and no human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience. Sec. 14.  Freedom of speech and press. Freedom of speech and of the press are two of the great bulwarks of liberty and therefore shall never be restrained, but every person shall be held responsible for their abuse. North Carolina § 14-196.3. Cyberstalking. (e) This section does not apply to any peaceable, nonviolent, or nonthreatening activity intended to express political views or to provide lawful information to others. This section shall not be construed to impair any constitutionally protected activity, including speech, protest, or assembly. At first we believed Kilby was not concerned about Mr. Hewett’s political postings or emails nor his personal FaceBook postings. However, through depositions and discovery - emails were discovered that showed that Mr. Hewett was already on Kilby’s and Cox’s radar. They had formed a response to Mr. Hewett’s political campaign to post on Kilby’s candidate page. We don’t know if they followed up with this response but it shows the level that Kilby will go too in lying about Candidate Mr. Hewett. Who at the time was running for City of King City Council. If these emails and postings that Mr. Hewett posted were any violation of the law, Kilby could have taken Cyberstalking charges out at that time. But they were not since they complied with section (e) of the cyber-stalking statute of nonthreatening freedom of speech. However, when Mr. Hewett made a Facebook Page that opposed his run for office Kilby decided to incorporate a half years emails and postings as being a violation of the statute as well as making up seeing a fictitious posting of a 10/22 rifle that Mr. Hewett was supposedly shooting to harass and intimidate him. Please continue on to Page 3 to for more discussion.
Photo credit, Profile picture FaceBook, John Cox
Kilby’s Website Kilby for Sheriff
2017-05-17 PSA
2017-05-21 Twitter Account
2017-08-09 Kilby at Fish Fry
2017-09-19 Kilby at Walkertown Fall Festival
2017-09-27 Cox selling Raffle Tickets
2017-10-16 Cox Talking about Fund raiser Jan 2018
Email: 11/10/17
Email: 09/08/17
Posting Forsyth County Democratic FaceBook Page 11/08/17
Posting Forsyth County Democratic FaceBook Page 11/15/17
Posting Forsyth County Democratic FaceBook Page 11/12/17